Implementasi Proses Rekrutmen Peserta Didik Baru pada SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean Kota Gresik


Safey Pangeran Ramadhan Imam,Krisnawati Eka Putri,Salsabillla Violinda Fitri,Maritza Khansa Indiko Aulia,Naziyatun Syifa


The focus of this research is to uncover the implementation of online student registration management at SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean when applying the online PPDB system. This study adopts a qualitative method with the aim of gaining a comprehensive understanding of the data encountered or discovered by the researcher. The research findings reveal that in assessing the qualifications of potential new students at SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean, a student database is created and managed to facilitate the selection and admission process of students at SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean. The school's policy involves data analysis, using technology to analyze admission data such as student profiles, school preferences, and demographic data to improve the selection process. Based on technical guidance from the provincial government governing the implementation of online PPDB at SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean, it is decided that the implementation of online PPDB will take place in a meeting room selected as the venue for the online PPDB. The Online PPDB Body and Budget are sourced from the school's BOS fund, and in the New Student Admission System for the Online PPDB Academic Year 2023/2024, there are four pathways: Affirmation, Achievement, Special Selection, and Academic Path in the ongoing Online PPDB. Direct connections to the databases of the Social and Educational Services of the Ministry of Religion and KONI prevent fraud during the implementation of the Online PPDB. The process of admitting new students through online PPDB is now more transparent, making it easier for students and organizers to verify actual data and facilitating the accountability of the organizers because all data is created using this system.


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