Adiniyah Nurkumala,Utomo Agus Prasetyo
Learner-centered learning provides opportunities for them to grow as independent individuals, meaning learners are independent in mind and independent in body. Learners are born with unique and special diversity. This study aims to investigate the implementation of differentiated PBL on high school students. The importance of differentiated learning implementation can accommodate the diversity of students' abilities and characteristics. This type of research is qualitative descriptive, using a mapping strategy based on students' learning readiness, followed by process differentiation and product differentiation. The results of this study show that the practice of differentiated PBL implementation has a positive impact on students and educators. Students' learning difficulties in understanding the immune system material can be accommodated through different guidance and other strategies. Students are more enthusiastic and eager to learn; they are also free to express their potential according to their preferences, making the learning experience more meaningful.
Indonesian Journal Publisher
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