Keselarasan Implementasi Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi dengan Visi Pedagogis Ki Hajar Dewantara dalam Mewujudkan Merdeka Belajar


Yuli Risvi Revita,Munandar Kukuh,Salma Intan Maulidah


The "Kurikulum Merdeka" is understood as the freedom of thought that must begin with the teacher, who plays a pivotal role in all educational activities. This is because no matter how ideal the curriculum is planned, if it is not followed by the teachers' ability to implement it, it will not have a significant impact on improving the quality of education. The research method used in this study is a literature review (library research). The researcher collects and analyzes various credible and relevant literature on the topic to provide explanations that are easier to understand. Based on the literature review, it is found that there is alignment between differentiated learning and the pedagogical vision of Ki Hajar Dewantara in achieving free learning. Therefore, it can be concluded that the implementation of differentiated learning is in line with Ki Hajar Dewantara's pedagogical vision, where both refer to education centered on learners and prioritize the inherent abilities as the core essence of learning freedom. With the implementation of differentiated learning, with teachers as guides, it is hoped that learners can truly be facilitated in their learning needs, making them individuals who are free and independent in developing their natural potential according to their inherent abilities.


Indonesian Journal Publisher

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