
Syrovnev G. I.ORCID,Mykytyuk V. V.ORCID,Khmeleva E. V.ORCID


Each year about 10 million piglets die all over the world because of oodema disease and postweaning diarrhea. These diseases associated with the adhesion of enterotoxic Escherichia coli on the surface of pig intestinal cells are called colibacteriosis. The disease exciter is enteropathogenic hemolytic strains of Eschenchia (E. coli). The enterotoxic E. coli O157 is able to produce specific adhesins in piglet colibacteriosis, the most important role being played by F18 and F4 (K 88). The genetic resistance of piglets to diarrhea is based on the lack of appropriative receptors on the surface of the intestinal cells of animals. It is practical interest in pigs breading to study using polymorphism of E. coli F18 and F4 (ECR F18/FUT1 and ECR F4/MUC4) receptor genes in the selection process associated with the occurrence of colibacteriosis in piglets. The studies were apropiate on the basis of a breeder reproducer of the Ukrainian meat breed pigs of Dnipropetrovsk state agricultural institute selection at "Lugovskoye" Ltd. of firm "Avias 2000" of Solonyansky district, Dnipropetrovsk region. Microbiological studies of the presence of E. coli O157 in the animals faeces were performed at the Department of Biotechnology of the Ukrainian Chemical Technology University, using a ready-made selective Compact Dry EC medium. Animal genotype estimation for FUT1 and MUC4 genes was carried out at the genetic laboratory of the Institute of Pig Breeding andAgro Industrial Production, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, by the PCR-RFLP method. Studies have been conducted to detect enterotoxigenic E. coli O157 in a closed population of pigs of Ukrainian meat breed type of selection of Dnepropetrovsk state agricultural institute. 58.3% of clinically healthy sows were found to contain E. coli O157, while in the 5–12 days group of clinically healthy pigs the detection rate was 20.0% and in piglets with signs of diarrhea 44.5%. On 12th day the average weight of sick piglets was lower on 30.45% compared to the average weight of healthy individuals was found, and the losses among sick pigs at weaning on day 21 reached to 56%. The relationship between colibacteriosis piglets susceptibility with genotypes of FUT1 and MUC4 genes was identified. The studied population of pigs is unreliable for colibacteriosis, so a gene pool study for the presence of the desired colibacteriosis resistance genotypes of FUT1 and MUC4 marker genes, followed by selection of parental cross-breeding forms, should be included in the livestock reproduction program.


Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

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