Abstract. The paper presents the results of the analysis of the current state, problems, and the directions of irrigation development in Ukraine. A comprehensive analysis of the technical condition and existing potential of reclamation infrastructure, including inter-farm engineering infrastructure of irrigation networks at the Lower Dniester Irrigation System (LDIS) was made. It was found that the equipment of the pumping stations of LDIS has long been depreciated and is in very poor technical condition, water losses during transportation are 32-35% of the primary water intake, engineering infrastructure has almost run out of its resource and technical condition and parameters do not meet the required level. The average specific power energy consumption for1 water pumping at LDIS per 1000 m3 is 351 kWh, and the share of energy consumption costs in the prime cost of supplied water for irrigation is about 60%. The operation of obsolete equipment is carried out under the conditions of a severe deficit of budget funding, there are almost no funds for current and major repairs of equipment and facilities. The prime cost of water transportation for irrigation per m3 was determined, and the cost of 1 m3 of water for water users was calculated.
The sources of financial support for the operation of LDIS were investigated. The operation of LDIS in 2020 was financed by 66% of the state budget and by 34% from the revenues obtained from water users. It was specified that the system of service cost reimbursement does not cover the cost of water supply for irrigation. Based on the results of the technical and economic analysis and energy audit, the total investment needed for a modernization and reconstruction project for LDIS was calculated. The main results of the project implementation are presented, which will increase the volume of gross agricultural output by 1.6 - 1.8 billion UAH / year. Due to the introduction of a set of reconstruction measures for the reconstruction of NDIS, the specific energy consumption of water supply at the water intake point will be reduced from 1.03 kWh / m3 to 0.65 kWh / m3 or by 37%. The total energy savings will be from 0.03 to 0.21-0.25 kWh / m3.
Keywords: irrigation, audit, technical condition, energy efficiency, modernization, reconstruction, investments
Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
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