Study of the orthopolyphosphate specimen "SeaQuest Liquid" for anticorrosion and stabilization water treatment
Container-title:Міжвідомчий тематичний науковий збірник "Меліорація і водне господарство"
Romashchenko M. I.ORCID, Kovalenko O. V.ORCID, Matselyuk E. M.ORCID, Charny D. V.ORCID, Prokopov V. A.ORCID
Most water supply systems operating in Ukraine are made of steel or cast iron, which are subject to corrosion. The Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine carried out the experimental studies on the effect of an orthophosphate corrosion inhibitor on the quality of drinking water and the rate of corrosion as a result of its appliance in various doses in the water supply network. The water supply system of Obolon district of the city of Kiev was selected as the object of research. A characteristic feature of this water supply system is the use of various sources of water supply - groundwater and surface waters of the Desna and Dnieper rivers.
The results of the calculation of water corrosivity carried out at the Institute based on the chemical analysis of the quality of water taken from 29 wells at the research object showed that the Langelier indices obtained using the calculation formulas for all sampling points are in the range from 0,89 to 1,77, which indicates the continuous and significant corrosive activity of water at all sampling point. The Risner index in all samples was in the range from 7.8 to 8.8, which indicates the significant pipeline corrosion. That is especially typical for the water from the well № 232, the Rizner index of which is 9.58, which indicates very intensive corrosion of the pipeline.
Indicators rH2, for all samples, calculated both by F.U. Clarke and by the formula of A.I. Trufanov, indicate that the studied aquatic environment is very favorable for the vital activity of iron bacteria in general, and the pH - Eh zone of water samples indicates that there is an active vital activity of various strains: Leptothrix, Gallionella , Thiobacillus thiooxcidans or their combined activity.
All the studied factors indicate that the most likely there is a complex genesis of corrosion processes in water supply networks, which combines both physicochemical and biological processes. This combination usually contributes to the processes of active secondary water pollution by the products of pipeline corrosion.
Indicators rH2, for all samples, calculated by the formulas of F.U. Clark and of A.I. Trufanov, indicate that the studied aquatic environment is very favorable for the activity of iron bacteria in general, and the pH - Eh zone of water samples indicates that there is a rather high activity of different strains: Leptothrix, Gallionella, Thiobacillus thiooxcidans or their combined activity.
The results of the research showed that for all ways to use of "SeaQuest Liquid" spicemen in the water of all sampling points there were no deviations from the standards of basic physicochemical parameters: the average pH of water was 7,67 ± 0.01, total water hardness was 4,3 ± 0,03, total alkalinity - 4,4 ± 0,05 mmol/dm,3 calcium content - 58,6 ± 0,7 mg/dm3, magnesium - 16,1 ± 0.2 mg/dm3, hydrocarbons - 261,4 ± 4,8 mg/dm3, manganese <0,01 mg/dm3, sulfates - 21,9 ± 1,2 mg/dm3, chlorides - 44,3 ± 1,4 mg/dm3, sodium and potassium - 44,0 ± 2,0 mg/dm3, residual chlorine - 0,35 ± 0,02 mg/dm3, ammonium - 0,2 ± 0.01 mg/dm3, permanganate oxidation - 2,3 ± 0,1 mgО2/dm3, nitrites - 0,09 ± 0,01 mg/dm3, nitrates - 1,53 ± 0,14 mg/dm3, total mineralization - 459,9 ± 15,1 mg/dm3. In some samples of water treated with “SeaQuest Liquid”, the iron content exceeded the hygienic standard (0,2 mg/dm3) and exceeded the maximum allowable level (1,0 mg/dm3). In drinking water samples, the levels of substances that are the part of "SeaQuest Liquid" specimen (polyphosphates, orthophosphates), varied at different sampling points but were within the normative values. The anticipated biological component of corrosion according to the calculated Rh2 index, was confirmed. In the presence of sulfate-reducing and thiobacteria in water, "SeaQuest Liquid" specimen increases the corrosion rate of steel by 2,9-7,2 times; subject to additional disinfection of water when treating with sodium hypochlorite, it reduces this indicator by 1,4-2,7 times. Under the action of "SeaQuest Liquid" in water treated with sodium hypochlorite, there was a decrease in the Langelier index: from -2,23 to -2,08 and from -1,79 to -1,70, indicating a decrease in its corrosive activity. In water untreated with sodium hypochlorite under the action of "SeaQuest Liquid" there was some increase in the Langelier index: from -1.80 to -1,95 and from -1,85 to -2,78; from -2,01 to -2,13, which indicates an increase in its corrosive aggressiveness.
Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
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