
Ladyka V. I.,Hmelnychyi L. M.,Hmelnychyi S. L.


Research on the development of measurements of parameters of linear traits of cows-heifers Ukrainian brown dairy breed in the aspect of technique of linear classification conformation conducted at leading breeding herds of Sumy region. Summarizing the international experience and based on our own research to assess the cows for conformation type using a procedure meeting international standards, designed parameters measurements type traits cow body within the biological extremes for linear classification methodology Ukrainian animal brown dairy breed by conformation. Within the biological extremes of these characteristics are determined gradation levels with their respective assessment score within the 9-point scale. Although there are recommendations by the World Organization for the Standardization of Identification, Accounting and Evaluation of Farm Animals (ICAR), which are intended to standardize methods for assessing body structure in accordance with the rules and standards established by each international federation for the corresponding dairy cattle breeds, there are various methodological approaches for the use of different techniques in the framework of the number of linear traits and measurements of parameters, that are entered into an electronic database of assessment as indicators of a scale. Descriptive linear traits of type (linear type traits) are the basis for all modern type classification systems and the foundation in all systems for describing dairy cows. In all breeds, such criteria are taken into account that provide information on productive traits or having a limiting influence on the use of animals. The linear scale covers the expected biological limits of the population, and the number of descriptive traits and their parameters, which are measured, depends on the country, each breed in the country where the assessment is carried out, certain parameters of the ideal type of cow and breeding purposes. In determining the target parameters of the assessed traits in the linear classification system, the level of development of each specific body part of the conformation to the absolute value of the measurement against the background of the body structure of harmony and the model expression characteristic Ukrainian brown dairy breed, economic and breeding significance in correlation with milk production quantity, obtained at the appropriate level of the nine-point scale. The use of target parameters allows, through a comparison of linear measurements of traits, expressed in absolute units, to the corresponding development of conformation traits, expressed by a certain score in points, at a sufficient level of objectivity and reliability to estimate the conformation type cows first-calf Ukrainian brown dairy breed. The developed parameters of measurements of the development of linear traits within the limits of biological extremes allow expert-boniters to significantly minimize the influence of the subjective factor on the evaluation indicators as opposed to techniques that use only visual evaluation.


Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

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