Babik N. P.,Fedorovych Ye. I.,Fedorovych V. V.
Productive longevity is a very important feature, which is determined by a combination of genotype factors in specific environments. It is known that in recent decades to improve of productive qualities of domestic dairy cattle, the Holstein breeders of different breeds are used. Such measures, although allowed to increase the milk productivity of cows significantly, however, led to reduction in the duration of their productive use. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to study the duration and effectiveness of lifetime use of dairy cows, depending on the country of origin of their father. The research was conducted on animals of Holstein (n = 2902), Ukrainian Black-and-White (n = 14876) and Ukrainian Red-and-White (n = 2176) breeding in various regions of Ukraine. It was established that the controllable number of Holstein cows came from 116 bulls from five different countries. Cows originated from the bulls of Hungarian selection had the longest life and lactation. Cows that came from Canadian bulls had the best life-long yields and life-long number of milk fat. Cows from French bulls were characterized by the worst indicators of productive longevity. Among the descendants of the German bulls, the daughters of the following bulls: Lord 661287, Trend 2761400782690, Bg. Rodeo 27642626161 and Ingo 27677179331, American selection – daughters of B. Astronomer 2160438 and Bob Hubby 2109267, Canadian – daughters of Rock 373840409 and H. R. Artist 6284191, Hungarian – daughters of V.Vilmos 3101733688 and E.Samba 3035115974 and French – daughters of Brico 5794006324 had the best indicators of the duration and efficiency of lifelong use. The studied population of cows of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed came from 167 bulls from eight countries. The largest number of daughters was obtained from domestic bulls (34.6%) and German (29.5%) selection. However, cows of Russian selection had the highest rates of longevity, productive use, lactation, the number of lactations per life, life expectancy and lifetime of milk fat. Daughter Valentina 373840175, Matadora 373840109, Piclenda 373880102 and Tigris 373880127 were lactured more than 4 lactations and had lifelong yield of over 25,000 kg, among the descendants of Russian bulls. Of the descendants of the domestic selection the daughters of the Abrykos 5806 lactated in an average of 6.2 lactation, and their lifetime yields were 38,401 kg. By the number of lactations per life and life-long yields of the daughters of the German bulls, the leader was Presbyter 27621490100, the American – Bob Hubby 2109267 and T. D. Fiasco 1709950, the Canadian – B. Goldgate 6387868 and B. Regensy 394223, the Netherlands – G. Tristan 3021652032 and Baneliai 243931215, Hungarian – E. Samba 3035115974 and P. Selvichar 3023006464. The controlled population of cows of Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed came from 69 bulls from five countries. More than 50% of cows of this breed are derived from bulls of German selection. However, the longest duration of productive use and the greatest lifelong yields had daughters of bulls from Canada and Ukrainian selection. Among the descendants of the domestic bulls, according to the indicators of lifetime productivity, the daughters of Khlor 2052 differ markedly. They lacted in average 7.7 lactations, and lifetime longevity was 41,000 kg. Among the descendants of Canadian bulls, the best of their productive use and their lifelong yields had daughters of V. Texel 393522, V.N.Dan 5510544 and Inhibitor 402151, German – Roman 660886883 and Tumpi 112367468, and American – Addikshn 17143107. The influence of the father's country origin on the longevity, productive use, lactation and the number of lactations per life, depending on the breed and the indicator, was within the range of 1.4–17.1, on the indicators of lifetime productivity – within 1.5–9.7%, and the influence of the father on these indicators was, respectively, 9.9–19.9 and 11.4–29.3%.
Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
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