Purpose. To study the quality of compound feeds, the components of which are grain of cereal crops, which can be affected by fungi of the genus Fusarium and contaminated with mycotoxins. To investigate the role of a biologically active additive, which includes organic and medium-chain fatty acids, as well as active organic copper for neutralizing the toxic effect of mycotoxins present in compound feed for pigs and its effect on animal productivity. Methods. Compound feed ingredients and compound feed itself (starter, grower, finisher) for different age groups of pigs were studied for the content of the main nutrients that characterize nutrition, as well as mycotoxins: aflatoxin, deoxynivalenone, zearalenone, fumonisin, T-2 toxin. Sampling and determination of main indicators were carried out in accordance with regulatory documents. Determination of mycotoxins was carried out by the immunoenzymatic method using the “Sunrise” analyzer. Results. Raw materials used for the production of combined feeds contained 5.47-11.8% of fusarium wheat, 8.10-14.2% of triticale, 3.58-4.25% of barley. The grain was also affected by altarnaria and septeriosis. As a result, compound feed made for pigs was contaminated with mycotoxins: aflatoxin in the starter exceeded the permissible level by 11 times, in the finisher – by 2.5 times; deoxynivalenone exceeded the permissible level by 10-20%; T-2 toxin – by 30-36%, and zearalenone was present in an amount below the permissible level. The addition of an additive to compound feed, which included organic and low-chain fatty acids and active organic copper, contributed to the increase in the average daily gains of pigs consuming compound feed starter to the level of 548 g, those consuming compound feed grower to – 720 g, and finisher – to 940 g. Conclusions. The introduction of the additive, which included organic and low-chain fatty acids and active organic copper in the composition of a starter feed, contributed to the increase in average daily gains by 25%, in the grower one – by 25%, and in the finisher – by 27%.
Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
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