Purpose. To investigate the preservative action of lactic and propionic acid bacteria in preparation of corn silage for long-term storage. Methods. In the research general scientific methods were used: zootechnical (setting up and carrying out scientific experiments, establishing the nutritional value of feed in the diet), technological, laboratory, chemical analysis of feed according to the generally accepted methods, statistical (biometric materials), analytical. Results. When adding a combination of a bacterial preparation to an aqueous solution of dried skimmed milk to the green mass of corn, a tendency to increase the concentration of colonies up to 3.9·1015 organisms in 1 gram of dry matter was observed at the initial concentration of ICD 1·1016. As a result of the use of the preservative “Propicomb” diluted in an aqueous solution of dried skimmed milk, the total release of gases during the fermentation period decreased by 15.4%. The amount of released gases per 1 gram of dry matter decreased by 9.4% when treated with iodized table salt at a dose of 3 kg/t and by 10.7% when treated with the biological preservative “Propicomb” at a dose of 2 g/t. The results of the organoleptic evaluation of the silage opened after 60 days of storage showed that all of the samples of the corn silage mass had a preserved structure, a sweet smell of fermented vegetables, a light brown color without visible mold lesions, which corresponds to DSTU 4782:2007 “Silage from green plants. Specifications”. Preservation of the green mass of corn with the biological preservative “Propicomb” at a dose of 2 g/t, activated on an aqueous solution of dried skimmed milk, increases the energy value to 10.29 MJ/kg in terms of exchangeable energy and potential milk production to 6.19 MJ/kg according to the net energy of lactation. Conclusions. Silage treated with experimental inoculants had a better preservation of dry matter of feed, and also allowed to increase the percentage of crude protein while reducing the fiber index.
Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
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