Variability and stability of the main valuable economic traits of the chickpeas collection specimens in conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kondratenko M. I.ORCID,Bushulyan O. V.ORCID,Buhaiov V. D.ORCID


Purpose. The research is aimed at an in-depth study of the genetic diversity of the existing collection samples from the basic collections according to morphological, biological and economic features in conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine and selection of reliable sources of these traits in order to create a new highly productive, adaptive breeding material. Methods. Field (conducting phenological observations and records), biometric and measuring and weighting (for recording productivity and yield), mathematical and statistical (objective evaluation of experimental data obtained). Results. During 2018-2021, on the experimental fields of scientific crop rotation of the Institute of Feed Research and Agriculture of Podillia of NAAS, evaluation of 223 chickpea samples obtained from the Breeding and Genetic Institute of the National Center for Seed Science and Varietal Research and 210 samples of the kabuli type and 13 samples of the desi type from the V.Ya. Yuryev Institute of Plant Breeding of NAAS was carried out. Using the coefficient of variation (V, %), the level of variability of the main morphological traits (“stem length”, “lower bean attachment height”, “number of branches of the 1st order per plant”), elements of seed productivity (“number of beans per plant”, “number of seeds per bean”, “weight of 1000 seeds” and “seed weight per plant”) and productivity was established in these samples. The ecological stability (stability and plasticity) of the main valuable morphological traits, elements of seed productivity and yield in chickpea collection samples selected for productivity features were studied. Conclusions. According to the data of four years of research (2018-2021), in conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, 16 collection samples of chickpeas (12 of the kabuli and 4 of the desi type) resistant to adverse abiotic and biotic factors with increased productivity were selected. These samples are valuable sources of the main morphological traits plasticity and stability, elements of the seed productivity structure for the purpose of breeding the increased the adaptability of chickpea varieties in conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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