Analysis of the state of production feed crops in the South of Ukraine


Korniychuk O.V.ORCID,Antipova L.K.ORCID,Manushkina T.M.ORCID


Purpose. To establish changes in the state of production of fodder crops under arid conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine (on the example of Mykolayiv region) and to determine the consequences for providing feed to the livestock industry. Methods. Analysis, synthesis and comparison. Results. The analysis of the state and development of production of feed crops in conditions of the South of Ukraine is carried out. Changes in the structure of sown areas have been established. Thus, in the total sown area in 2000 the share of feed crops consisted 17.1%, and in 2019 this figure decreased to 13.9 percent. At the same time, the sown area under industrial crops increased to 37.6% (by 15.8 percentage points). Changes in the structure of sown areas of feed crops, giving preference to growing grass for hay, have improved the productivity of these agrophytocenoses. Thus, in 2000, 1.27 tons of feed units were harvested from 1 ha, and in 2019 – by 48.8% more. The rate of supply of feed unit with digestible protein (from 86.6 to 116.4 g per 1 feed unit) increased by 34.4% during the studied period. Reduction in livestock during the studied period affected the supply of animal feed. If in 2000 only 0.93 tons of feed units were produced per head of cattle, in 2019 – by 15.1% more. At the same time, the level of unprofitable beef production for meat in 2019 in enterprises was 21.3%, and the population of the region was insufficiently supplied with meat and meat products, including offal and raw fat (at the level of 53.6 at the consumption rates of 83 kg per 1 person per year). Conclusions. Non-compliance with the structure of sown areas of the main groups of agricultural crops for the formation of scientifically sound crop rotations has been established. Humidification conditions have a significant influence on the formation of feed crops productivity. The level of unprofitable production of cattle for meat is quite significant, which indicates the need to optimize the feed base. Under the current economic conditions in order to develop livestock production certain measures should be taken to stop the reduction of cattle and to increase animal productivity, including using quality nutritious feeds in the quantities according to feeding rations.


Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

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