Purpose. To analyze the chemical composition of medicinal herbs, namely: sage (Salvia officinalis), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), calendula (Calendula officinalis), Echinacea purpurea and to identify factors that contribute to the growth of productivity of agricultural animals and poultry. Methods. Monitoring, chemical analysis, regression methods. Results. Medicinal plants, through herbal supplements in feed, positively effect the digestibility of feed nutrients: stimulation of saliva, secretion of enzymes of gastric and pancreatic juices; increasing the activity of hydrolytic enzymes; increasing the volume of villi and the depth of the crypts of the intestinal wall. Different types of medicinal plant raw materials were studied as to the following indicators: total Nitrogen, which characterizes the protein complex, carbohydrate and lipid fractions, mineral residue (Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper), carotene and fat-soluble vitamins. It was found that the content of total Nitrogen in the studied medicinal plants was 1.4-2.0%, which in terms of crude protein made up 9.0-12.2%. Non-starch polysaccharides contained 14.2-26.0%, the amount of easily hydrolyzed carbohydrates was 57.0-67.2%. The studied medicinal plants contained a high amount of carotene: 204.3 mg/kg – in calendula, 156.4 mg/kg – in chamomile, 637.4 mg/kg – in sage, 174.6 mg/kg – in echinacea. Conclusions. The study of the detailed chemical composition of medicinal herbs will allow to include them into the animal diet in the form of dry compositions or extracts that will promote better consumption of nutrients by animals, and will make possible more efficient use of available feed resources, causing better productive effect, thus enabling healthy livestock rearing, genetic potential realization, productivity increase.
Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
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