The goal is to establish the number of breeding animals of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed and their affiliation to genealogical formations. For this purpose, the methods of comparison and analysis were used. The research was conducted based on the materials of a comprehensive assessment of livestock of 113 breeding herds breeding the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed in 19 regions of Ukraine. The results. The herd for analysis includes 77,866 females of different age groups, which come from 1,109 breeding bulls. Holsteinized lines and related groups account for 19 genealogical formations with 99.6% of the herd. Breeding bulls of the Elevation 1491007, Chief 1427381 and Starbak 352790 lines are used most (82% of the total herd). Regarding the placement of lineages and related groups in the breeding herds of the regions, it is necessary to single out Kyivska for its widely branched structure (21 formations) and Mykolaivska for its narrowness (2 formations). Conclusions. According to the breed of the father, it was established that the available mother stock belongs to 10 breeds, of which 97% are related (Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy, Holstein and Black-and-White).
Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine