“Etudes About Tel Aviv”: The Image of Tel Aviv from the Perspective of Russian-Speaking Repatriates


Lenart AgnieszkaORCID


The article offers an analysis of the collection Ėtiudy o Telʹ-Avive [Etudes about Tel Aviv], which was published in Russian in 2004 and edited by Sonia Chesnina and Leonid Finkelʹ. The study attempts to show the image of the city of Tel Aviv from the perspective of Russian-speaking repatriates. The author treats the analysed texts as non-fiction prose, expressing authentic migration experiences and problems. In those texts, Tel Aviv exists as a city-myth, a city of culture, and a place where a new identity is born and shaped. The analysis allows us to conclude that Etudes about Tel Aviv is not only a text about urban space. It is primarily a cultural text, a place of literary search for knowledge about its inhabitants’ culture, history, and identity. If we look at the relationship between geography and literature, the text (Etudes about Tel Aviv) and the city (Tel Aviv) constitute a “common territory”.


Institute of Slavic Studies Polish Academy of Sciences

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