Esophageal stenosis is a morphofunctional alteration that causes inflammatory lesion in the submucosal and muscular layers of the esophagus, inducing them to fibrosis and altering the esophageal diameter. The present report addresses the use of a balloon dilator as an auxiliary way to correct esophageal stenosis in a canine, female, Pug patient, with a history of recurrent vomiting as the main complaint. Through endoscopy, it was observed that the thoracic esophagus was inflamed, with thickened and fibrotic mucosa, in addition to whitish colored fibrous rings, which hindered the passage of the probe, enabling the determination of the diagnosis of esophageal stenosis. In this report, we opted for the use of a dilator balloon, with three procedures being performed one week apart, to improve the symptomatic condition. After the dilator procedure, the favorable development of the clinical condition presented by the patient was possible.
Revista Veterinaria e Zootecnia
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