Mapping building facades using panoramic images captured by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)


Bordinhão Marcelo,Tamiosso Bruna,Venquiaruto Simone,Temp Aldo,Costa Fernanda


This work aims to verify the building pathologies of DTIC’s building front (Diretoria de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação at Federal University of Pampa – Alegrete/RS, Brazil) by using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The study was conducted before and six months after its maintenance. Images and inspection records were used to elaborate the Damage Maps and the Grid Method for pathologies quantifications. The comparison of the Damage Maps before and after maintenance has revealed that the intervention (paint) was not efficient, since it has disguised temporarily the anomalies without correcting them. The use of UAV proved to be a good tool for building inspections, providing effective diagnosis, time-saving and security for the operator without working at height.


Alconpat Internacional

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