It’s not my sense of self that’s unstable, it’s the world’s sense of me: the harms of the construct of ‘personality disorders’ towards transgender communities


Porter Hattie


Research indicates transgender people are more likely to be diagnosed with a personality disorder than cisgender people. While this interrelationship is complex and multifaceted, this article discusses the disproportionate rates of personality disorder diagnosis in transgender people as rooted within social and historical contexts; suggesting transgender people are not more likely to have a personality disorder, rather they are more likely to be diagnosed with a personality disorder. Transgender identities have historically been framed as a manifestation of mental illness as opposed to an identity and inherent aspect of personhood. This is argued to confine understanding of transgender identities to the parameters of pathology, silencing and marginalising transgender communities. I suggest the disproportionate rate of diagnosis of personality disorders in transgender people is an extension of this historical pathologisation. Clinician bias may contribute to inappropriate diagnosis of personality disorders in transgender people due to personal values and unfamiliarity with transgender experiences. However, bias is also more deeply rooted within the construct of personality disorders itself, which appears to inherently pathologise deviation from rigid gender norms and expectations. This has implications for the ethical and ontological basis of the diagnostic construct.


Bristol University Press


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Sociology and Political Science,Cultural Studies,Social Psychology

Reference54 articles.

1. Facing transgender and cisgender patients: the influence of the client’s experienced gender and gender identity on clinical evaluation;Anzani, A.,2019

2. Personality disorders and personality profiles in a sample of transgender individuals requesting gender-affirming treatments;Anzani, A.,2020

3. Microaggressions towards lesbian and transgender women: biased information gathering when working alongside gender and sexual minorities;Anzani, A.,2021

4. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,2013

5. The measurement of psychological androgyny;Bem, S.L.,1974

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