Examining Peer Relations Thesis Completed Between 2000-2021 in the Field of Preschool Education







The research seeks to examine the theses on peer relations completed between 2000 and 2021 in the field of preschool education in Turkey. The sample of the research consists of 63 master’s and doctoral theses on peer relations, completed between 2000 and 2021 in the field of preschool education and registered in the The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) National Thesis Center. A qualitative method was employed in the study. The results demonstrated that the first master’s thesis was completed in 2009, and the first doctoral thesis was completed in 2008. Additionally, at the master's and doctoral levels, quantitative research was found to be the most preferred research method, while mixed research methods were found to be the least preferred. Further, the relational method was found to be the most preferred among quantitative research design methods in master's theses, and survey and experimental methods were preferred in doctoral theses. The results also revealed that qualitative case study methodology was the most preferred method in master’s and doctoral theses. In terms of data collection time, the cross-sectional method was most frequently preferred in master’s and doctoral theses. As to the sample group, it was seen that the theses on preschool children were the most preferred in master’s and doctoral theses. While peer relationships of children with special needs were the most frequently discussed topic in master's theses, doctoral theses revolved around curriculum development.


Humanistic Perspective


General Medicine

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1. Okul Öncesi Dönemde Arkadaşlık Görünümü: 5-6 Yaş Çocuklarının Görüşleri;The Journal of International Civilization Studies;2024-04-01








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