1. Bayne, B.L., 1976. Marine Mussels, Their Ecology and Physiology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Eng.; New York. 506PP
2. Bernard, F.; Cai, Y.Y.; Morton, B., 1993. Catalogue of the living marine bivalve mollusks of China. Hong Kong University Press. 146PP.
3. Nomenclator of Bivalve Families with a Classification of Bivalve Families
4. Carter, J.G.; Altaba, C.R.; Anderson, L.C.; Araujo, R.; Biakov, A.S.; Bogan EA, et al. (45 additional authors), 2011. Paleontological Contributions, 4. A Synoptical Classification of the Bivalvia (Mollusca). Lawrence, KS: Paleontological Institute, the University of Kansas, 47P.
5. Coan, E.V.; Scott, P.V.; Bernard, F.R., 2000. Bivalve seashells of western north America. Marine bivalve mollusks from arctic Alaska to Baja California. Santa Barbara, CA: Santa Barbara museum of natural history monographs 2, 764P.