Індикаторна роль ферментів нітратного обміну в умовах екологічних змін стану навколишнього середовища


Vasilyuk O.M.,Pakhomov A.Y.


<p>The paper reflects analyzes of <em>Cd</em> impact on the total activity (nM pyruvic acid/ml s) of aspartate aminotransferase<em> </em>(AST, EC nitrogen metabolism in <em>Glechoma hederacea</em> L. leaves subject (as model) which dominated in the research area (in natural floodplain oak with <em>Stellaria holostea</em> L.) in conditions of <em>Cd</em> pollution (as anthropogenic press) and digging activity by Mammalia (as biotic action, with <em>Talpa europaea </em>L., European mole, as model),) and their combine action. The <em>Cd </em>was introduced in the form of salts <em>Cd(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub></em> in the concentrations: 0.25, 1.25 and 2,5 g/m2, equivalent to the inclusion of <em>Cd</em> in 1,5 and 10 doses of MAC<strong> </strong>on experimental sites. When adding <em>Cd</em>, the content of doses (5 mg/kg soil MAC of <em>Cd</em>) was taken into account. It was founded the increasing of the AST activity on 26% (with adding the <em>Cd</em> salts at a dose of 1 МAС and digging activity by <em>Talpa</em><em> </em><em>europaea</em><em> </em>L) according to control (1 MAC <em>Cd</em>), witch it proved the non-specific reaction on stress. With <em>Cd</em> concentration 5 and 10 MAC we observed the repression of the enzymes activity according to controls (5 and 10 MAC <em>Cd</em>) on 10% and 50% in accordance. The protective properties by <em>T.</em><em> </em><em>europaea</em><em> </em>L. hadn’t positive results. The transferase enzyme activity according to another control (the area, is without pollution of <em>Cd</em> and digging activity by <em>T.</em><em> </em><em>europaea</em><em> </em>L.) reflected the increasing AST enzyme activity from 166% tо 218% (in presence 1 and 5 MAC<em> Cd</em>) and reduction around 46% (in presence 10 MAC<em> Cd</em>). The digging activity by <em>T.</em><em> </em><em>europaea</em><em> </em>L. lowered the toxic metal effect and the normalisation of the nitrogen metabolism by increasing the activity of AST from 55% to 266%, from 318% to 291% (AST, 1 та 5 MAC<em> Cd</em>). The digging activity by Mammalia did not contribute the metal toxic effect under the <em>Cd</em> 10 MAC. Thus, using the different representatives of zoocoenosis promotes improvement in the Steppe Dnieper at low concentrations of the factor has been revealed.</p>


Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University








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