The article is devoted to the statistical analysis of the tools for assessing the international competitiveness of higher education institutions (HEIs) on the basis of the Webometric ranking of universities in terms of digital transformation.The ratings of ZVO as a modern information tool for education management are studied. A brief review and analysis of research and publications of domestic and foreign scientists on the role of ratings as a mechanism for assessing free economic education as educational and research centers.Using the professional statistical data processing program STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV.I and the principal components method, the specifics of Webometric indicators and their impact on the global ranking of the world's leading universities were analyzed. Based on statistical assessments, the reasons for insufficiently high rating positions of national free economic zones in the Webometrics system have been identified.Proposals have been developed to increase the representation of Ukrainian free economic zones in the Internet space, to raise their international rating according to Webometric criteria and to qualitatively develop the domestic scientific and educational school in the context of world trends.The results of the study can be used by the governing bodies and management of Ukrainian free economic zones in the development and adjustment of development strategies, as well as specialists who develop, implement and evaluate the state policy of Ukraine in the field of higher education.
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University
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