Theoretical foundations of crisis management in the activities of public administration


Кровцова ТетянаORCID,Лащенко ОксанаORCID,Кравцов ОлегORCID


It is known that the processes of reform of local self-government and territorial organization of government are accompanied by crises, risks and uncertainties, namely phenomena that negatively affect community life and require the use of anti-crisis approaches in the activities of public administration. Special relevance is the issue of improving the efficiency and competence of management of public administration, which cannot be done without the introduction of crisis management tools. The justification of this provision is chosen for the purpose of this article.The concepts of «crisis», «crisis management», «crisis management» are analyzed. The essence of anti-crisis management in the activity of public administration bodies is revealed. Peculiarities of using the concept of «crisis management» in the field of public administration are determined. The functions and principles of crisis management are outlined. The mechanism and technologies of anti-crisis activity in public administration are revealed. The breadth and evolution of views on the definition of «crisis management» are shown. Based on the analysis of modern publications, the stages of crisis management, the requirements for their diagnosis, the appropriate choice of priority actions are considered. These tools of crisis management. The conditions for successful implementation of anti-crisis management in the activities of public administration bodies have been clarified. The advantages of introduction of the newest methodical approaches of anti-crisis management, use of modern information and communication technologies and means of the analysis in anti-crisis management are analyzed. It is shown that the introduction of crisis management in the work of public authorities is a necessary condition for their effective operation.On the basе of the conducted research the conclusion on expediency of system and complex use of available tools of anti-crisis management considering a current situation, normative-legal maintenance and resource possibilities is made. The need for a full-fledged digital transformation based on the use of reengineering – a component of crisis management. Prospects for further research on this issue are outlined.


Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University


Automotive Engineering

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