Характеристика рівнів забруднення довгоіснуючими радіонуклідами 137Cs і 90Sr кормів, продуктів тваринництва і рослинництва на території Волинської області за період 1991–2016 рр.
Container-title:Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies
Boyko P.K.,Kurtak B.M.,Zinchuk M.I.,Pundiak T.O.,Panashchuk I.V.,Gnasyuk R.M.,Dudkovska N.V.,Thiss M.M.,Komovych L.V.
As a result of accident on the Chornobyl' nuclear power plant over 8,4 millions are muddy great vitality radionuclides and agricultural lands. Radiation contamination was tested by all territory of the Volyn’ area. The monitoring and forced a radiological study of soils, feeds, agricultural products and wild berries and mushrooms conducted by specialists of sanitary-epidemiological, veterinary and agrochemical laboratories, suggests that on the territory of Volyn’ region happens to samples containing radionuclides in excess of allowable levels, AL-1997 and AL-2006. Expansion of production of milk and meat on contaminated radionuclide territories requires wider use of natural forage resources. Due to the fact that the basis of the forage supply base for bovine animals is the most contaminated with radionuclides grazing and rough feeds, therefore the trophic chain: «feed –animals–milk and beef» will remain the most vulnerable for a long time. The dynamics of the discovery of samples of food and feed with excess levels of radionuclides indicates that in the territory of the Volyn’ region there is a constant threat of internal exposure of the local population to long-lived radionuclides. The high proportion of forest gifts (60.2%) in the balance of products contaminated with radionuclides during the last decade (2007–2016) is the basis for increasing the radiological control in the markets of the region for mushrooms and wild berries that are sold there.
Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv
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