Issues related to the nature of information in the context of the development of a territory growth strategy are presented in the article. A brief analysis of the terms such as information, strategy, plan is made. It is revealed that the information, plan and strategy are complex and fluctuating. Some features of human perception of information are considered. The specificity of the thinking paradigms influence on human perception of information is also presented.The modern world represents sets of emergent properties that are precisely the result of continuous information influence in their essence and generate new states of the system, and therefore new meanings. A strategist interacts with a rapidly changing context; he should be able to make management decisions taking into account the redundant and incomplete nature of the information. These decisions should lead to the achievement of goals. Such a task is not simple at all and requires certain skills in working with information. The method of working with information is infology. It provides a set of relevant procedures that allow you to solve the problem of collecting and processing information at a qualitatively new level. Thus, the algorithms for working with information allow you to collect comprehensive information on the capabilities, needs and resources of the territory and link them into a single plan for achieving the goal. And that means they allow you to improve the quality of planning by reference to the strategic goals of the territories.The strategist becomes a hunter of meanings to a certain extent; this ability allows him to see the general picture of local development from the maximum advantageous position. The strategist begins to possess Femostokl’s unique ability and to know how to “do absolutely right things at the right moment,” that is, to program the desired behavior, involve and sensitize people to achieve a single goal, and then enable these goals to be realized by everyone involved in the process. And this requires not only the information, but its deep understanding and using ability to achieve the goals. Data can become the working information only if you work hard and find meanings that are important for understanding the features of a managed object. Thus, understanding the facts that are behind the reality displays allows you to change the quality of management and development of a territory growth strategy.
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University
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