Ефективність відгодівлі молодняку великої рогатої худоби за використання силосу, законсервованого біологічним інокулянтом
Container-title:Ukrainian Journal of Ecology
Short-container-title:Ukr J Ecol
Chernyuk S.,Bomko V.,Zagorodnii A.,Chernyavskyy O.,Slomchynskyy M.,Babenko S.
<p>There has been the impact on the corn silage harvesting and the influence of the corn silage store technology of the microbial inoculants studied. The main advantages and the prospects of the silage inoculants using were outlined. This has been the supplements of microorganism’s inhibition impact on the molds and the fungi development established. Thereby, this was possible to provide the initial properties of raw materials preservation. The use of the 11C33 inoculants at a dose of1 gramper 1 tone of the silage during the storage period provides the dry matter reduction at a rate of 6.9 % versus 14.9 % in comparison with the control group respectively. According to the requirements of the GOST 4782:2007 and the results of the biochemical silage studies the harvested feed without the inoculants using can be classified as the 3rd class. However, the treated silage with the 11C33 inoculant can be classified as the 1st class. The biological conservant inoculation during the milky-wax stage of ripeness helps the feed nutrients to have the better preservation. And the corn silage feeding as a part of its ration is likely to increase the average bulls daily weight gain for the feed costs production reduction. The microbial inoculants using during the corn silage harvesting helped to reduce the feed costs with the1 kgof the bull’s live weight gain by 6.07 %. We found that the preslaughter live weight at the age of 15 months was characterized by bulls of the trial group of the Ukrainian black and white milk breed and they were raised on the corn silage with the microbial inoculants. These bulls showed the better results comparing to the control group by 4.3 % (P<0.05) and the bull’s carcass yield of the trial group was higher than the control one, and it was 56.4 %.</p>
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University