Στάσεις και αντιλήψεις Ελλήνων διδασκόντων του μαθή- ματος των Θρησκευτικών για τα επαγγελματικά τους χα- ρακτηριστικά και τις επιμορφωτικές τους ανάγκες: Βασική ανάλυση αποτελεσμάτων του προγράμματος IRENE


Υφαντής / Yfantis Παναγιώτης / Panagiotis1,Μαγγιώρος / Magioros Νικόλαος / Nikos,Φούζας / Fouzas Γιώργος / Giorgos1


1. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


This paper attempts to critically approach the characteristics of the educational staff, who deals with the teaching of Religious Studies in our country, through the recording of their attitudes and perceptions about their scientific, professional and educational needs. The data on which this research paper is based emerged from the answers of fifteen (15) teachers from all three (3) levels of public education to a series of questions related to the way in which Religious Education and religious literacy are implemented and cultivated in our country. The presented research and its conclusions are part of the program Innovative Religious Education NEtwork: educating to the religious diversity, which is funded by the European Commission and includes scientists from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Estonia and Finland.


KAIROS - Greek Theological Association for the Improvement of the Religious Education


Pharmaceutical Science

Reference8 articles.

1. Emerging policy trends: some implications for continuing professional development

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