This study aims to determine the quality of life among children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted with 75 children aged 8-12 who applied to the Guidance and Research Center for the diagnosis of ADHD between September 2017 and April 2018.The research data were collected with the "Introductory Information Form" and "The Quality Of Life Scale in Children of the Age Group of 8-12 Attention Defıcit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD-QOLS)".
The average age of the children participating in the study is 10.48±1.25 and 70.7% are male. It was determined that 73.3% of the children in the study did not know ADHD before and 38.7% had a condition accompanying ADHD. The average score of children according to AD/HD-QOLS; at school: 48.14±17.67; at home: 46.72±18.68, and the difference between was found to be statistically significant (p
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