Anxiety Depression and Quality of Life among Working Married and Unmarried Women: A Comparative Study


Akhouri Deoshree,Madiha Maria,Ansari Mahboobul Hasan


Background: Anxiety and depression are the most common problems that we face in our daily life and both affect our quality of life. So, the present study was done to assess and compare anxiety, depression and quality of life among working married and unmarried women. Methods and Materials: Purposive sampling technique was used for recruiting 100 working women (an equal number of married and unmarried), with their informed consent. The tools used for the present study were Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Beck Depression Inventory-II and WHO Quality of Life-Bref for anxiety, depression and quality of life assessment respectively. Results: Result shows significant differences in the levels of anxiety, depression and quality of life of working married and unmarried women. Conclusion: The present study also concludes that married working women do experience a higher level of anxiety and depression as well as a lower quality of life in comparison to unmarried working women. Keywords:  Anxiety, depression, quality of life, working women


Indian Journal of Psychiatric Social Work


General Energy

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