1. Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
2. Ural State Mining University
3. Borissiak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4. Schlumberger
The fundamental facial law, determining the relationship between facies of sedimentary rocks in the sedimentary basin in lateral and vertical extensions, was formulated by the Russian geologist N.A. Golovkinsky a century and a half ago. Theoretical statements and views proposed by Golovkinsky have not lost their importance and relevance nowadays. In the article considered an important aspect of diachroneity (heterochroneity) of layer associations and their litho- and biostratigraphic boundaries. The methodological approach of measuring its degree (the window of age moving) is proposed. Golovkinskiy’s conceptions are developing fruitfully within the framework of Seismostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy, and their main content remains in demand in the light of new realities of cognitive process (nonlinear science, NBICS convergence, endovision).