Sedimentation model of the middle Devonian clastic succession of the South Tatar Arch, Pashyian Regional stage, Volga-Ural Oil and Gas Province, Russia


Silantiev Vladimir V.1,Validov Marat F.2,Miftakhutdinova Dinara N.2,Morozov Vladimir P.2,Ganiev Bulat G.3,Lutfullin Azat A.3,Shumatbaev Kirill D.3,Khabipov Rishat M.3,Nurgalieva Nouria G.2,Tolokonnikova Zoya A.4,Korolev Eduard A.2,Sudakov Vladislav A.2,Smirnova Anastasiya V.2,Golod Kseniya A.2,Leontiev Aleksey A.2,Shamsiev Ruslan R.2,Noykin Mikhail V.2,Kosarev Viktor E.2,Nikonorova Darya A.2,Akhmetov Radik F.2


1. Kazan Federal University; Branch of the Kazan Federal University in the city of Jizzakh of Republic of Uzbekistan

2. Kazan Federal University

3. Tatneft-Dobycha, Tatneft PJSC

4. Kuban State University


The Pashyian Regional stage (horizon) is the main productive unit of the middle Devonian clastic succession of the South Tatar arch. This article presents, for the first time, maps of the lower and upper parts of the Pashyian, including data on sand-shale ratio, number of sand layers (reservoirs) and thickness, based on the analysis of logging data from 25,000 wells. The maps were created by spatial interpolation of Natural Neighbor and ArcGIS Pro software. The model of sedimentation of the Pashyian Regional stage reflects the interpretation of the plotted maps as well as the synthesis of the results of detailed core investigations (lithological, sedimentological, ichnotextural, petrophysical, etc.) and analysis of archive and published materials. The main points of the proposed model are as follows. The Pashyian sediments were formed in a marine basin, in an environment comparable to that of the middle shelf of modern seas – in an offshore zone dominated by current activity. The basin floor was a relatively flat plateau, on which sandy, silty and clay sediments were simultaneously accumulated. Sediments of all types accumulated during sea transgression. Sea regression caused erosion and destruction of the already formed sediments. Positive landforms of seabed relief, composed predominantly of sandy well-sorted material, comprised autochthonous underwater sand bars, formed by constant currents parallel to the bathymetric contour of the seabed. Underwater sand bars formed extensive systems nearly throughout the entire territory of the modern South Tatar arch. At the same time, allochthonous, poorly sorted, less mature sediments were formed in underwater troughs produced by transversal currents (directed from the shore towards the sea). The proposed model explains the consistent thickness of the Pashyian Regional stage, the mosaic distribution of sand bodies over the area, and the lens-like shape of the sand and siltstone reservoirs. The model can be extrapolated to other stratigraphic intervals of the Devonian clastic succession with similar sedimentological features.





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