Typification of the deposits of the Tyumen Formation according to the degree of hydrodynamic conditions of sedimentation to create a petrophysical model and differentiated interpretation of well log data


Isakova Tatyana G.1,Persidskaya Anna S.1,Khotylev Oleg V.1,Kotochkova Julia A.1,Egorova Alena D.1,Dyakonova Tatyana F.1,Mozgovoy Aleksei S.1,Churkina Valeria V.1,Kozakov Sergey V.2,Kozhevnikova Natalia V.2,Livaev Ravil Z.2,Druchin Vitalii S.2,Belov Nicolai V.3,Kalmykov Georgii A.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Branch of the Lukoil-Engineering OOO in Tyumen – KogalymNIPIneft

3. Lukoil-Zapadnaya Sibir OOO


The article considers facies analysis and the application of its results for the typification of rocks of the Tyumen Formation. The aim of the article is to create algorithms for the differentiated interpretation of geophysical studies of well log data of the Tyumen formation based on a detailed study of the core. Based on core studies, as well as geological, geophysical data and field information on the Tyumen Formation of some deposits in Western Siberia, the main groups of facies were identified, reflecting the hydrodynamic activity of sedimentation conditions: group 1 – high-dynamic conditions, group 2 – transitional conditions, group 3 – low-dynamic conditions. On the basis of this typification, petrophysical models of the deposits of the Tyumen Formation were created: petrophysical functions were built with differentiation by facies zones, boundary values of petrophysical parameters were obtained to identify reservoirs of different sedimentation conditions, algorithms for differentiated interpretation of well log data were proposed, also based on test results and field geophysical survey, differences in field characteristics for different sedimentation conditions were revealed, linear oil reserves were calculated using a new petrophysical model. The development and implementation of an integrated approach to the interpretation of well log data, taking into account the conditions of sedimentation, make it possible to increase the reliability of determining the properties of the reservoirs of the Tyumen Formation, and the efficiency of calculating the oil reserves.





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