1. Education, employment, and care work over adulthood: gendered life course trajectories in Canada and Germany;Journal of Education and Work;2024-05-18
2. Maternal employment patterns after childbirth and child mental health with 4 to 6 years of age;2023-12-08
3. Single mother parenting of children with autism spectrum disorder: A qualitative photo‐narrative study;Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs;2023-11-27
4. Intergenerational Connections in Digital Families,
Intergenerational Connections in Digital Families,
by Sakari Taipale, Switzerland, Springer International Publishing Sakari Taipale, 2019, 137 pp., $10 (Hardcover), $8.95 (Paperback), ISBN: 978-3-030-11946-1;Journal of Intergenerational Relationships;2023-11-09
5. Future of Homes;Future of Business and Finance;2023