1. Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
2. Department of Aerospace Engineering, Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technology, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
With the wide application of unmanned aerial vehicles, interest in multirotor conifgurations has increased. The unique features of multirotor con guration have been intensely investigated, including aerodynamic interference, which is particularly important because it in uences the vibration,
noise, and handling quality of rotorcraft. Most previous studies have used high-fidelity approaches, such as computational fluid dynamics to identify such interference. However, such an approach is inappropriate for real-time flight simulations. In this study, an improved aerodynamic interference
analysis based on a dynamic vortex tube was established for performance prediction in real-time ight simulation. A simple and effective formulation is proposed for integration with rotor aerodynamics to evaluate the interference of multirotor con gurations. The present analysis is validated
on various multirotor configurations. An investigation of interference in a multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is then presented. The analysis results exhibit good agreement with experimental results and high-fidelity predictions. Although the accuracy of the proposed analysis is lower
than that of experimental studies and high-fidelity analyses, it is suf cient for capturing interference trends. The proposed analysis can account for aerodynamic interference in the flight simulation of a multirotor UAV.
AHS International dba Vertical Flight Society