1. ICF Consulting. (2000) Overview of Exploration and Production Waste Volumes and Waste Management Practices in the United States. Based on API Survey of Onshore and Coastal Exploration and Production Operations for 1995 and API Survey of Natural Gas Processing Plants for 1995; prepared for the American Petroleum Institute; 1-11. http://api-ep.api.org/filelibrary/E&P%20Waste%20Vol_Mgmt.pdf (accessed September 2003).
2. Funston, R., Ganesh, R., and Leong, L.Y.C. (2002) Evaluation of Technical and Economic Feasibility of Treating Oilfield Produced Water to Create a “New” Water Resource, Ground Water Protection Council Produced Water Conference, Colorado Springs, CO.
3. Energy & Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota; ENSR Consulting and Engineering. Topical Report. (1995) Atlas of Gas-Related Produced Water for 1990, GRI-95/0016; prepared for the Gas Research Institute and the U.S. Department of Energy.
4. Sources, Characteristics, and Management of Produced Waters from Natural Gas Production and Storage Operations