1. Kogelschatz, U.; Akishev, Yu.S.; Napartovic, A.P.History of non-equilibrium air discharges. InNon-Equilibrium Air Plasmas at Atmospheric Pressure. 1st Ed.; Becker, K.H.; Kogelschatz, U.; Schoenbach, K.H.; Barker, R.J., Eds.; Institute of Physics Publishing: Bristol and Philadelphia (Taylor & Francis Group: Boca Raton), 2005; 17–75.
2. Ueber die elektrostatische Induction und die Verzögerung des Stroms in Flaschendrähten
3. Electric wind produced by surface plasma actuators: a new dielectric barrier discharge based on a three-electrode geometry
4. Nonthermal Plasma Processing for Air-Pollution Control: A Historical Review, Current Issues, and Future Prospects
5. CO2 reforming of methane by the combination of dielectric-barrier discharges and catalysis