Background. Porphyromonas. gingivalis is one of the most aggressive periodontopathogens causing periodontitis. Present scientific evidence proves the possibility of the influence of P.gingivalis on the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system.
Objective. To verify frequency of P.gingivalis detection within the cerebrospinal fluid of patients affected by various types of CNS inflammatory diseases.
Material and Methods. Cerebrospinal fluid of 36 patients, aged 18 to 79 years, with various infectious diseases of the central nervous system was analyzed during two years of study. Real-time PCR technique was used for P.gingivalis detection.
Results: 13 patients out of 36 demonstrated the presence of P.gingivalis within cerebrospinal fluid. 4 of them were diagnosed with meningoencephalitis, 3 patients had fever of unknown origin, at that one of them had Parkinson's disease, 3 patients had acute disseminated unspecified demyelination, 1 had multiple sclerosis, 1 had unspecified cerebrovascular disease. 77% of the total number of patients in whom P.gingivalis was detected in the cerebrospinal fluid, also were diagnosed with periodontitis.
Conclusions: Based on the data obtained, it can be assumed that P.gingivalis plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system. Sanitation of the oral cavity and timely treatment of periodontal diseases can significantly reduce the incidence of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system.
Ukrainian Public Scientific Society "Continuing Dental Education"