The system of indicators of behavioral risk factors in Russia at the national and regional levels


Zubkova T. S.1,Zamiatnina E. S.1,Khalturina D. A.1


1. Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


Introduction. Behavioral risk factors are associated with 47% of all-cause mortality in Russia.The goal of this study was to assess and to select the available data sources on the burden of behavioral risk factors in Russia and its regions.Methods included collection and systematization of medical, demographic and survey which reflected the burden of behavioral risk factors in Russia.Results. The spectrum of sources of the data on behavioral risk factors among adults in Russia has significantly expanded in recent years. Rosstat agency provided regional survey data on prevalence of consumption of tobacco and other nicotine-containing products, physical activity, overweight and obesity. The survey results may underestimate alcohol and tobacco consumption due to the sensitivity of these questions. Therefore, the use of morbidity and mortality data is needed well. Detailed regional data on food product consumption in Russia are available, but the list of food groups needs to be updated to reflect current scientific knowledge. At the same time, there is no monitoring of the consumption of table salt and iodine by the Russian citizens. The data from Rosstat surveys on physical activity is available by the regions, and it provides more reliable results in comparison with the reports of sports organizations. Monitoring of behavioral risk factors among children and adolescents in Russia has yet to be organized.Conclusions. A number of data sources have been identified that can be used to assess the burden of behavioral risk factors in Russia and the regions, and ways to improve such monitoring are proposed.


Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics

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