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2. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation № . 597n dated August 19, 2009 «On the organization of health centers for the formation of a healthy lifestyle among citizens of the Russian Federation, including the reduction of alcohol and tobacco consumption» (Registered 25.09.2009 № 14871). – // Garant: – URL: https://base.garant.ru/12169847/?ysid=lp1mmn2x56860640828 (Accessed: 15.11.2023).
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4. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation № 1177n dated October 29, 2020 «On Approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing the prevention of non–communicable diseases and carrying out measures to form a healthy lifestyle in medical organizations» (Registered 03.12.2020 № 61245). – // Official publication of legal acts: – URL: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001202012030043?ysclid=lp1mxuc0vg412689030 (Accessed: 15.11.2023).
5. Strengthening public health and medical prevention. Guidelines for Public Health and Medical Prevention Centers / Kontseva A. V., Kalinina A. M., Ivanova E. S., Drozdova L. Yu., Gambaryan M. G., Gorny B. E., Karamnova N. S., Kulikova M. S., Letnikova L. I., Lopatina M. V., Nikulin V. N., Popovich M. V., Rakovskaya Y. S., Rybakov I. A., Semenova N. V., Tokarev S. A., Tokareva M. V. – M.: FSBI «NMIC TPM» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 2021. – 296 p.