Analysis of drug provision for patients with broncho-obstructive diseases in the Russian Federation


Avdeev S. N.1,Linnik S. A.2,Tumenko E. E.2


1. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

2. Federal Scientific State Budgetary Institution «N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health»; Non-government organization «Scientific society “Medical practice”»


Introduction. The article presents data from an analysis of drug provision for patients with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, both in inpatient conditions and at the stage of outpatient treatment. The object of the study was the provision of medications to patients with broncho-obstructive diseases in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The purpose  of our study was to study drug provision for patients with broncho-obstructive diseases. Why the following research methods were used: purchases of medicines in federal districts and some constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2019–2022 were analyzed, the amount of funds per patient diagnosed with bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was calculated. Separately, we analyzed the purchases of short- and long-acting bronchodilators, as well as mono- and combination drugs and monoclonal antibody drugs for the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma. Data on drug purchases were analyzed using the website; information on the number of patients in federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation was taken from statistical materials of the Russian Ministry of Health. Results. We found a multiple difference between federal districts in the amount of funds per patient in both 2019 and 2022, and differentiation between federal districts also turned out to be the case when analyzing preferential drug coverage. The dynamics of the amounts of funds spent by entities on the purchase of drugs for the treatment of patients in outpatient settings turned out to be multidirectional: some entities not only did not increase these amounts in 2012 compared to 2019, but, on the contrary, decreased them. At the same time, the difference between the subjects of the same federal district reaches tenfold values. Conclusion. Patients with broncho-obstructive diseases living in different federal districts of the country have different drug coverage both in outpatient and inpatient treatment settings. To improve the drug supply for these patients, it is necessary to introduce a unified methodology for calculating the planned need for drugs and oblige the subjects to provide patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with drugs at the expense of the budgets of the subjects.


Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics

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