Restoration of a Vital Tooth With Extensive Crown Destruction Using Glass Fiber and Polyethylene Fiber-reinforced Composite Resin: A Clinical Case


Saravia-Rojas MA1,Espinoza-Jiménez G2,Huanambal-Tiravanti VA3,Geng-Vivanco R4


1. *Miguel Ángel Saravia-Rojas, DDS, MSc, PhD, full professor, School of Dentistry, Cayetano Heredia University, Lima, Peru

2. Giulianna Espinoza-Jiménez, undergraduate student, School of Dentistry, Cayetano Heredia University, Lima, Peru

3. Victor Abel Huananbal-Tiravanti, DDS, MSc, full professor, School of Dentistry, Cayetano Heredia University, Lima, Peru

4. Rocio Geng-Vivanco, DDS, MSc, PhD student, Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, Ribeirão Preto School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil


SUMMARY Conservative restorative dentistry has been evolving in the last 25 years, focusing mainly on the development of direct restorative materials. Resin-based composites remain an excellent conservative alternative for restoration of teeth with extensive caries lesions. Over time, several strategies have been proposed to improve the mechanical properties of these composites so that they can adequately withstand masticatory forces. Glass fiber-reinforced resin-based composites and their use in situations where there is great loss of tooth structure have gained popularity due to their favorable mechanical properties. Combined techniques with polyethylene fibers can further enhance their clinical performance. This study presents a brief review of their most important qualities and potential use in direct restorative procedures. In addition, a clinical case is described where a vital tooth with extensive coronal destruction was restored using polyethylene fibers embedded in glass fiber-reinforced flowable resin under resin-based composite. The reinforcement of both the remaining tooth structure and the restoration with fibers is a valid treatment option since the network structure formed by the fiber reinforcement can increase the longevity of the direct composite restorations. There are few reports in the literature describing the use of a combined technique using polyethylene fibers embedded in glass fiber-reinforced flowable resin under resin-based composite. Thus, clinical follow-up of this case is required.


Operative Dentistry


General Dentistry







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