Active development of hard-to-recover oil reserves causes the need for an innovative approach to methods of oil recovery and intensification of its production, based on taking into account the specifics of filtration processes in low-productive reservoirs and complex geological and physical conditions. Pilot works for studying the mechanism of changes in porosity and permeability properties of reservoirs during swabbing of wells are presented. Based on the hydrodynamic investigations performed, the results of the work are analyzed. The method of oil production intensification using hydraulic compression of formation has been developed. It has been shown that when using hydraulic compression technology in the pore space of the formation, the effect of capillary and gravitational forces is strongly reduced. The influence of these forces decreases when significant pressure gradients with changing direction are formed during well swabbing for depression impact on the bottomhole zone of the formation. Hydraulic compression induced an increase in well productivity and flow rate; insights into how how permeability and porosity properties change during well swabbing were clarified. The range of compressive durability (minimum and maximum values) was determined for the Verean deposits of the Melekeskaya Depression and the South Tatar arch. The impact of formation hydraulic compression caused changes in permeability and porosity properties of the reservoir in the bottomhole zone on a qualitative level. Piezo- and hydraulic conductivity increased by 20 %. Experimental work in well 1545 of Keremetyevskoe field showed an increase of piezo- and hydraulic conductivity coefficients, effective formation thickness, change of filtration flows character.
Saint-Petersburg Mining University
Economic Geology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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12 articles.