Development of the technology of stowing the developed space during mining


Kovalskii EvgeniiORCID,Gromtsev KirillORCID


An analysis of the world experience in the development of potash deposits shows that the main problems arising during their development are a high level of mineral losses, an increased risk of flooding of mine workings as a result of water-proof layer discontinuance and the development of emergency water inflows in the mined-out spaces. Reduction of potash ore losses can be achieved by using a long-pillar mining system, but this method is limited by the peculiarities of the geological structure of the potash deposits and the need to preserve the continuity of the water-proof layer during its underworking. The safety of underworking of the water-proof layer can be improved by using the stowing of the developed longwall space. However, the question of the influence of the stowing on the height of the zone of water supply cracks development remains little-studied. The world experience of stowing the developed spaces in the development of layers with long pillars is analyzed and the technology of placing the stowing masses, which can solve these problems, is proposed. The considered technology and the proposed solutions are supported by laboratory tests of stowing materials and mathematical modeling of deformation zones in the overlying rocks.


Saint-Petersburg Mining University


Economic Geology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Energy (miscellaneous)

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