Allocation of a deep-lying brine aquifer in the rocks of a chemogenic section based on the data of geophysical well logging and 2D seismic exploration


Danileva NataliaORCID,Danilev SergeiORCID,Bolshakova NataliaORCID


Advancement in the production of potassium fertilizers is an important strategic task of Russian agricultural industry. Given annually growing production rates, the reserves of discovered potassium-magnesium salt deposits are noticeably decreasing, which creates the need to ensure stable replenishment of the resource base through both the discovery of new deposits and the exploitation of deep-lying production horizons of the deposits that are already under development. In most cases, deposits of potassium-magnesium salts are developed by underground mining. The main problem for any salt deposit is water. Dry salt workings do not require any additional reinforcement and can easily withstand rock pressure, but with an inflow of water they begin to collapse intensively – hence, special attention is paid to mine waterproofing. Determination of spatial location, physical and mechanical properties of the aquifer and water-blocking stratum in the geological section represent an important stage in the exploration of a salt deposit. The results of these studies allow to validate an optimal system of deposit development that will minimize environmental and economic risks. On the territory of Russia, there is a deposit of potassium-magnesium salts with a unique geological structure – its production horizon lies at a considerable depth and is capped by a regional aquifer, which imposes significant limitations on the development process. To estimate parameters of the studied object, we analyzed the data from CDP seismic reflection survey and a suite of methods of radioactive and acoustic well logging, supplemented with high-frequency induction logging isoparametric sounding (VIKIZ) data. As a result of performed analysis, we identified location of the water-bearing stratum, estimated average thickness of the aquifers and possible water-blocking strata. Based on research results, we proposed methods for increasing operational reliability of the main shaft in the designed mine that will minimize the risks of water breakthrough into the mine shaft.


Saint-Petersburg Mining University


Economic Geology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology

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