Thermal protection implementation of the contact overheadline based on bay controllers of electric transport traction substations in the mining industry


Lantsev DmitryORCID,Frolov VladimirORCID,Zverev SergejORCID,Uhrlandt DirkORCID,Valenta JiříORCID


The article presents the principle of thermal protection of the contact overheadlineand substantiates the possibility of practical implementation of this principle for rail electric transport in the mining industry. The algorithm for the implementation of modern digital protection of the contact overhead line as one of the functions of the controller is described. A mathematical model of thermal protection is proposed, which follows from the solution of the heat balance equation. The model takes into account the coefficient of the electrical networktopology, as well as the coefficient of consumption of the current-carrying core of the cable, which determines the reduction in the conducting section from contact erosion and the growth of oxide films. Corrections for air flows are introduced when receiving data from an external anemometer, via telemechanics protocol. The mathematical model was tested by writing a real thermal protection program in the C programming language for the bay controller, based on the circuitry of which is the STM32F407IGT6 microcontroller for the microcontroller unit. Verification tests were carried out on a serial bay controller in 2020. The graphs for comparing the calculated and actual values of temperatures, with different flow rates of the current-carrying conductor of the DC cable, are given. To obtain data, telemechanics protocols IEC 60870-104 and Modbus TCP, PLC Segnetics SMH4 were used.


Saint-Petersburg Mining University


Economic Geology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology

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