Model of baddeleyite recovery from dump products of an apatite-baddeleyite processing plant using a CVD6 concentrator


Pelikh VladislavORCID,Salov ValeryORCID,Burdonov AlexanderORCID,Lukyanov NikitaORCID


The paper is devoted to developing a model of baddeleyite recovery from dump products of an apatite-baddeleyite processing plant using centrifugal concentrators. The relevance of the work arises from the acquisition of new knowledge on the optimization of technological parameters of centrifugal concentrators using Knelson CVD (continuous variable discharge) technology – in particular, setting the frequency of valve opening and the duration of valves remaining open. The purpose of the research was to assess the applicability of CVD technology in the treatment of various dump products of the processing plant and to build a model of dependencies between the concentrate and tailings yields and the adjustable parameters, which will allow to perform preliminary calculations of the efficiency of implementing this technology at processing plants. The research objects are middling and main separation tailings of the coarse-grained stream and combined product of main and recleaner separation tailings of the fine-grained stream. The study uses general methods of mathematical statistics: methods of regression analysis, aimed at building statistically significant models, describing dependence of a particular variable on a set of regressors; group method of data handling, the main idea of which is to build a set of models of a given class and choose the optimal one among them. Authors proposed an algorithm for processing experiment results based on classical regression analysis and formulated an original criterion for model selection. Models of dependencies between the concentrate and tailings yields and the adjustable parameters were built, which allowed to establish a relationship between the concentrate yield and the valve opening time, as well as a relationship between the tailings yield and the G-force of the installation.


Saint-Petersburg Mining University


Economic Geology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology

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