This study aims to examine the morphological aspects and their application in micro linguistics and micro linguistics. Linguistics in terms of study can be divided into two types, namely micro linguistics and macro linguistics. Micro linguistics is understood as linguistics which has a narrower nature of the study. That is, it is internal, only sees language as language. Macro linguistics is broad, the nature of the study is external. Linguistics studies language activities in other fields, such as economics and history. Language is used as a tool to see language from the point of view from outside the language. Language can be seen descriptively, historically comparative, contrastive, synchronic, and diachronic. Descriptive linguistics looks at living languages as they are. Comparative linguistics compares two or more languages at different periods. Contrastive linguistics compares the languages of a particular period or contemporaries. This study looks for similarities and differences in the fields of structure: phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Synchronic linguistics questions the language of a particular mass. In this study, we do not compare with other languages and other periods. Thus, this linguistic study is horizontal.
Scientific and Literature Open Access Publishing