Adaptation of Coastal Fishermen in Pacitan Regency Due to Climate Change Through the Sustainable Livelihood Framework Approach


Choirunnisa Luthfi Alif Dinar,Purwaningsih Yunastiti,Prasetyani Dwi


The phenomenon of climate change is one of the events that affect the coastal communities of Pacitan Regency, especially their livelihoods as fishermen. The purpose of this study is to analyze the adaptation activities of fishermen due to climate change that affects fishermen's household income using a sustainable livelihood approach. Determination of respondents through purposive sampling technique, where the total sample is 104 fishermen. This study uses a survey method in the field with fishermen based on several questions through questionnaires submitted to coastal fishermen in the District of Pacitan Regency. Factor analysis and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The results showed that simultaneously the variables of fishermen's adaptation choices, government adaptation choices, education level, age and experience as fishermen, fishermen's distance to the sea, location of mangrove areas, savings, asset ownership, credit, participation in fisherman group organizations, and ownership of tools. Simultaneous capture has a significant effect on the total income of fishermen. Partially, the variable of fisherman adaptation choice, education level, age, the distance of fishermen when fishing, location of mangrove area, savings, asset ownership, credit, and ownership of fishing gear have a significant and positive effect on the total income level of coastal fishermen in Pacitan Regency, while the experience variable as fishermen have a negative and significant effect on the total income level of coastal fishermen in Pacitan Regency.


International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research

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