Combustion is a chemical process that causes a burning substance to emit heat and light as a result of its reaction with oxygen. Propane can combine with oxygen to perform a combustion reaction. Especially in homes and vehicles, propane combustion is frequently used and heat or light energy is released. In this study, premixed propane combustion was investigated. The thermal power (3 kW) and swirl number (1) were kept constant in all experiments. According to the findings, the O2 emission value also increases with the increase in propane equivalent. It was observed that if the propane equivalent was up to 0.8, the carbon dioxide emission remained at the optimum level. These results are actually similar in terms of light and heat emission. In fact, it was observed that the heat and Luminous emission and the flame height increased to the highest level at less propane equivalent levels. In the study, it was seen that changing the equivalent ratio affects the ratios of various gases produced during combustion and the total heat output. These experiments help optimize the combustion properties of propane. It is also important for design and operating decisions regarding the use of propane in industrial processes.
Türkiye Enerji Stratejileri ve Politikalari Araştirma Merkezi (TESPAM)
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