1. Compact $S$ -Band Coaxial Cavity Resonator Filter Fabricated By 3-D Printing
2. Design of a Low Phase Noise Vt-DRO Based on Improvement of Dielectric Resonator Coupling Structure
3. Frequency-tunable microwave dielectric resonator
4. S. T. Yu, Y. S. Choi, S. J. Park, T. Thap, B. Dorjsuren, S. M. Han, J. S. Lim, and D. Ahn, "Equivalent Circuit of Planar Disk Resonator using Transmission lines and Inductor", Proceedings of KIIT Conference, Daejeon, Korea, pp. 165-167, May 2011.
5. Y. M. Lee and Y. S. Lee, "Design of Resonator using Open-ended Slot for X-band Application", Proceedings of KIIT Conference, Daejeon, Korea, pp. 108-109, Jun. 2019.